This document is still being written. Only for reading purpose...for now.

In this step, we will setup Kamal and also register for free Docker Hub account.

  1. Install Kamal
  2. Registry Docker Hub
  3. Create Docker token

1. Install Kamal

Kamal provided a good resource on how to set it up.

I recommend for you to use the recommended ruby installation.

Install Kamal

This is done on your Personal Computer.

Verify everything is installed correctly, by:

kamal version

It should output its latest version. I am using Kamal 2.1.0.

Afterwards, setup Docker Hub account. We will host our Docker images here and use the public free images.

2. Register Free Docker Hub Account

Head over to, and register your account (if you have not one).

Register in Docker Hub

Once registered, create a new public repository.

Create New Repository

Take note of the Repository Name, you will need it later. For example, mine is zafranudindev/demo-homelab-day.

3. Get your Docker token

This step is simply to let Kamal upload an image for you automatically.

Head over to:

  1. Account Setting (Go to)

  2. Under Security > Personal access tokens, click Generate new token.

    • Set description as: Kamal Local
    • Access permissions: "Read, Write, Delete"
  3. Take note of this token, and store it safely.

Now that the hard part is done, let us proceed for the fun part!